KyPass 5.1

New version of KyPass was released today.

  • O365 support is now better than never,
  • The autofill function is working again (As a reminder: Settings>Passwords & Accounts>autofill). iOS 13.4 added some changes in the way this function should be implemented and had to be rewritten,
  • Added new parameters in password generator (ignore some letters and add password separator)

The forum is still there if you need some improvements.

KyPass for ever !


4 responses to “KyPass 5.1”

  1. Hello good news !
    thank you to help us.
    I use the last build 5.1 9642 and I’m sorry but my bug is still present In o365 business :

    my db is ok I can read update and touch-id / master password stored evrithing working fine but no modifications stored.
    And when I re-open the db I have to enter my master pwd it’s like open a new db.

    This strange comportment doesn’t exist in one drive personal version .

    I hope it help !

  2. 9642 is the TestFlight version. The bug was not fixed in this build.
    Try the appStore version (Build 9668)

    1. Ok I have to wait
      Not again in the appstore I’m so excited !!!

      I advance many thanks

      And kypass 4 ever

  3. Hi Miguel,
    I sorry but bad news I have the 5.1 version of the apple store updated 16h ago and my bug is still present In o365 business :

    my db is ok I can read update and touch-id / master password stored evrithing working fine but no modifications stored.
    And when I re-open the db I have to enter my master pwd it’s like open a new db.

    This strange comportment doesn’t exist in one drive personal version .

    I hope it help !

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