• Lot of time without news from us. Last iOS version (v4.3.0) of KyPass is already 1 month old and I forget to talk about it. In this version, OneDrive Enterprise support was added. You could now use KyPass with your…

  • KyPass v4 is 4 months old and you love it ! 4.4 out of 5! We have still some 1 star. For these people: contact us! We’ll do all we can to make you happy. Here are some of your…

  • Do you want to win a $50 Apple gift card for Xmas ? More information on our Facebook page. PS. KyPass 4 is 30% OFF until Xmas.

  • V4.2 was sent today. A lot of improvement in this version ! You ask us OneDrive support on Facebook. You have it ! Next version will have box.net (if enough people ask for it). Some change are made for iPhone X.…

  • KyPass v4.1.1 was released this morning. A lof of change for this version: Fixed a crash in search panel with entry that have no username Capture QR Code now save database immediately Fixed bug in the tools menu Added option…