added basic import function from a csv file added history support in kdbx fix bug in search bar More to come soon..
Working on KyPass 3.4 & KyPass Companion 1.6
It will be a maintenance release that fixes a few bugs for Yosemite and iOS8 but if you want some new features, don’t hesitate to ask 🙂
KyPass v3.3 sent for approval
And it’s now rated 18+ due to internal browser. Yippee Ki Yay !
Google Drive sync problem in KyPass 3
KyPass couldn’t sync anymore kdb(x) file with Google Drive… Google have change the way you could search file in Google Drive: https://developers.google.com/drive/v2/reference/files/list I used the query string ‘(title contains ‘kdb’) or (title contains ‘kdbx’)‘ to search keepass database on your drive. This…
Karekod – Create QR Code for Evernote…
I’m a big fan of “Going Paperless“, the blog of Jamie Todd Rubin (An Evernote Ambassador). Some times ago, it shares one of its great usage of Evernote: Turn paper manuals into digital documents and use QR codes to make the instructions…
WIP – KyPass Companion v1.5
A little screenshot on the WIP KyPass Companion 1.5. The new features will be: Finally a true tree view in the sidebar. Save your preferred filter in shortcuts. Save your preferred entries in favorites. New columns (password bits, modification, expiration…