Category: MyDev
KyPass Companion 1.7 sent for approval
added basic import function from a csv file added history support in kdbx fix bug in search bar More to come soon..
Working on KyPass 3.4 & KyPass Companion 1.6
It will be a maintenance release that fixes a few bugs for Yosemite and iOS8 but if you want some new features, don’t hesitate to ask 🙂
KyPass v3.3 sent for approval
And it’s now rated 18+ due to internal browser. Yippee Ki Yay !
Google Drive sync problem in KyPass 3
KyPass couldn’t sync anymore kdb(x) file with Google Drive… Google have change the way you could search file in Google Drive: I used the query string ‘(title contains ‘kdb’) or (title contains ‘kdbx’)‘ to search keepass database on your drive. This query doesn’t return file with kdb or kdbx extension in title anymore. The way to…
Karekod – Create QR Code for Evernote…
I’m a big fan of “Going Paperless“, the blog of Jamie Todd Rubin (An Evernote Ambassador). Some times ago, it shares one of its great usage of Evernote: Turn paper manuals into digital documents and use QR codes to make the instructions easy-to-find in context ! It’s great but it’s could still be easier. Here is…
WIP – KyPass Companion v1.5
A little screenshot on the WIP KyPass Companion 1.5. The new features will be: Finally a true tree view in the sidebar. Save your preferred filter in shortcuts. Save your preferred entries in favorites. New columns (password bits, modification, expiration & creation date) also available in search filter. And many bug fixes Still some little…