Last version of KyPass v3 was released 4 years ago but there are still some people using it.
Apple doesn’t allow you to run it from iOS 14.6 (it says the developer needs to update the application for it to work with that IOS even is nothing was done from my side)
As I couldn’t update it easily, a migration tools was done for people that don’t use cloud provider and don’t have backup.
The tools is available on our Discord.
To use it, just click on the link in the pinned message of the KyPass group of our Discord server and install the testflight version of our KyPass migration tools. It’s will create a local server that allow you to download your local database from your pc/mac.
(For the people that don’t have problems with KyPass3, don’t install it. This application replace the existing KyPass3 application)
PS. New version of KyPass 5 is on the way too.
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