Enjoy !
8 responses to “KyPass v3.5 available now”
Hi, great stuff!
Splitscreen / multitasking is very nice to have, thanks!
One question though, I have to select the database to open. In the previous version, it remembered it and a fingerprint was enough to unlock the database. I have not changed any settings and checked the ‘Open at start’ (is enabled.)-
It’s a bug.
It will be fixed tomorrow
I can’t open any Database from iCloud drive and any database I create doesn’t appear in iCloud Drive.
Could you explain ?
Do you have the iCloud ‘Kypass’ folder on your iCloud drive ? If not, could you verify that you accept iCloud for KyPass ?
iCloud sync does not work
few days ago I migrated my keyfile from .kdb to .kdbx (KeePass 2).
My keyfile is stored in an individual Dropbox folder.As KyPass 3.5 didn’t “forget” the old (I guess local copy) .kdb file I decided to kill the app, download from App Store again and give it a try.
Now neither on my iPhone6 nor on my iPad Air2 I can connect to Dropbox. When I try to set it up (Settings – File Sync – Dropbox slider move to ‘1’) a modal dialog (title Dropbox) with a spinning wheel displays. Nothing happens.
When I try Google as sync service, the Google authentication page pops up. This might work (but is of no use as I need Dropbox support).Can You help???
Some things you could try:
_ change the folder name crypted2 in place of crypted eg
– rename your database
– remove kypass right directly from your Dropbox web application-
I succeeded to get it back running. In Dropbox I removed Kypass. Then I tried to set up from Kypass again. I simply waited several minutes until the Dropbox authorizaton procedure popped up.
Works 😉
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