5 days ago, a user on Superuser would like to remove border and title from the iPhone Simulator when he use it for demonstration.
I like the idea and I accept the challenge!
My proposition (accepted) is:
- Install EasySIMBL from https://github.com/norio-nomura/EasySIMBL/
- Run it, open the plugin folder.
- Download SimulatorBorderKiller.bundle and unpack it in the plugin folder.
The SimulatorBorderKiller.bundle file is a modified version of https://github.com/ksuther/SimulatorBorderKiller where I have changed the style mask of the window with NSBorderlessWindowMask.
It works and the result looks great.
It’s the first time that I use SIMBL and I see great possibility with this tools.
Thanks so much for working on this! I tried to use it in xcode 8, but got this error message: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ya7k7pr3i5s9hsd/Screenshot%202014-10-22%2012.15.16.png?dl=0
What should I do?
Never tested with the new iOS simulator.
I’ll test it as soon as possible 🙂
this looks really cool and i really need this to make a Unity software borderless.
Problem is, i don’t know where should i put the NSBorderlessWindowMask stuff, i’m not really into objective c. I’ve downloaded and compiled SimulatorBorderKiller, changed the target software successfully but i’m stuck on how to modify it so i have a borderless window.
Could you post sources of your mod, or tell me where to modify the original plugin ?