Category: MyDev

  • v0.5 for you.. for me ? for you !

    What’s new? drag and drop between keepass documents. fix entries blank screen (definitively) added support for osx 10.6 icon could be modified. columns are customizable. and many others fix… As usual, v0.5 available at

  • v0.4 ready

    As promised yesterday, here is the v0.4. What’s new ? added sharing with KyPass on iPhone/iPad fix entries blank screen save toolbar url field is now clickable (try it with ssh:// or rdp:// ) authorization in keepasshttp is fixed. Do you need something in the next versions ? I still have a lot of things…

  • KyPass Companion v0.3 available

    You want it… you have it! The best selling KeePass application on iPhone is now available on MacOSX. KyPass Companion is a full KeePass v1 AND v2 editor (Yes, the KeePass v2 editor on mac…) v0.3 is now available at As in previous version, it allows you to use the firefox, chrome and safari…

  • v0.3 in progress

    Yes… full kdbx & kdb editor!

  • KyPass Companion v0.2

    Here is already the v0.2 of KyPass Companion with a big improvement: – KyPass Companion is now fully compatible with KeePassHTTP. It mean that you can use the Chrome & Firefox add-on on your Mac ! – Opened database are also restored at the opening of KyPass Companion. All you have to do is download…

  • KyPass Companion beta 0.1

    ** 2013/3/7 Check new version 0.2 at KyPass Companion v0.2 ** Apple refuse to approve KyPass Companion (problem with the sandbox). But I know you wait for it! Here is the KyPass Companion for Mac OS X! This little application will allow you to have auto-fill function in your Safari browser like Lastpass or 1Password with your…