Author: redbug
Ketchup Mock-up: who ?
[lang_en]Still one week before the end of the compo. We need comments about your compo. Thus don’t hesitate to put a link to your mockup on your website 🙂 I already could present the 5 selected developers: – Alekmaul, the Six Million Emulator Man. – Mollusk, the man who are responsible for 3/4 of the…
KMSC #9: DSnatcher
This 9th entry was created by Moro Here is his description: Well, this is quite obvious, this is a port of the segaCD ( megaCD ) version of Snatcher, that uses the double screen and the stylus to play in a comfortable “Phoenix Wright” style. It can be played with the stylus and with d-pad…
KMSC #8: Band-In-A-DS
This 8th entry was created by Moro Here is his description: This is a lightweight port of the windows app “Band-In-A-Box” which is a great and extremely useful app for musicians like me, it let’s you play with your computer ( now your DS! ) like if it was with a full band. It doesn’t…
KMSC #7: DS-110
This 7th entry was created by Bobby Sixkilla Here is his description (in french): DS-110 est une boite à rythme, plus précisément l’adaptation logicielle sur DS de la célèbre boite à rythme BOSS DR-110. Pourquoi cette boite à rythme? Parce qu’elle ne propose que 6 différents sons, que les options sont peu nombreuses, qu’elle est…
KMSC #6: Openoffice DS
This 6th entry was created by Kerem Kiliç. Here is his description: I got this idea of making an office suite for the DS. The DS exclusive abilities of having such a suite would be… Wi-Fi synchronizing to PC Touch screen editing with screen switching And some more creative stuff which I cannot come up…
KMSC #5: NDS Canvas Concept
This 5th entry was created by Fejuai. Here is his description: Lightweight ported version of Photoshop with general image editing, stamps (or paintbrush sets), wand select, select, etc. The menu system could be designed as a drop-down from the top menu which includes “File, Edit, Image, Layer, Select, Filter, View, and Help” as this could…