Author: redbug
Google Drive
I’ve finished Google Drive support for KyPass v1 & v2. Stay tuned!
Bug with Keepass 2.20
For those who use Keepass 2.20: Keepass 2.20 give this message error: “your database is corrupted” when you open a database modified by KyPass. Don’t be afraid ! Database is not corrupted! There is a bug with KeePass 2.20. (New header protection in fact). And you could still open your database with Keepass 2.19 on…
KyPass 2
KyPass 2 was released 3 days ago and many of you already love. The new feature are: Password generator: when you create a new entry, click on the key button and the password generate form appears. iCloud support: use it with the KyPass for Mac coming soon. Incredible new design. Do you like it ?…
KyPass add-on for Safari
A KyPass add-on for Mountain Lion will be sent to Apple this week. This application will allow you to have auto-fill function in your Safari browser like Lastpass or 1Password with your Keepass database(s). You also be able to copy your Keepass database in iCloud. So the next version of KyPass on iPhone/iPad could open…
KyPass v1.9.2…
…. will be released soon. I’ve asked an expedited review. Sorry for all people that have iOS4 and who couldn’t use KyPass anymore. v1.9.2 will fix that. Thank you for contacting the App Review Team to request an expedited review. We have made a one-time exception and will proceed with an expedited review of KyPass.…
KyPass tips #2 – Internal browser
When you add the URL to your database then click it from within KyPass the username/password fields can be populated by long press in the field. This allows you to stay in KyPass and be able to paste both username and password without app switching. Brilliant!