Author: redbug

  • KyPass Companion v0.2

    Here is already the v0.2 of KyPass Companion with a big improvement: – KyPass Companion is now fully compatible with KeePassHTTP. It mean that you can use the Chrome & Firefox add-on on your Mac ! – Opened database are also restored at the opening of KyPass Companion. All you have to do is download…

  • KyPass Companion beta 0.1

    ** 2013/3/7 Check new version 0.2 at KyPass Companion v0.2 ** Apple refuse to approve KyPass Companion (problem with the sandbox). But I know you wait for it! Here is the KyPass Companion for Mac OS X! This little application will allow you to have auto-fill function in your Safari browser like Lastpass or 1Password with your…

  • DropCircle

    I’m a big fan of Evernote. I’m using it every day to handle my time: I have a “to do” notebook in which I put all my things to do. I would like to be able to convert a email to a “to do” note. Actually, I have some solutions: Drag and drop the email…

  • KyPass 2.3 is in review.

    What’s new ? Fix in entry creation (no more auto-correction & auto-capitalization when creating entry) Share an entry with another KyPass via QR Code. Password generator in edit form (PRO only) And some bug fixes

  • Kypass v2.3 ?

    What do you expect for v2.3 ? I wait all your wishes…